Bill Gates Talks About “Fantastic” Relationship With India: “Hired Smart IT Graduates”

Recently, Microsoft founder Bill Gates was the first guest on a new podcast series called “People by WTF,” which was started by Nikhil Kamath, a co-founder of Zerodha. The two businessmen talked about a range of subjects, including Mr. Gates’ unique connection to India, artificial intelligence, and the argument between capitalism and socialism.

“I’ve had a fantastic relationship with India starting with the Microsoft experience where we hired some very smart IT graduates, brought them to Seattle. Later they go back, create a development center for us that’s now in four locations, 25,000 people. Of course, a lot of the amazing people I work with and have so much fun in the Microsoft success are part of the team who have been hired from India,” the tech magnate told Mr Kamath.

The Microsoft founder also highlighted the efforts of CEO Satya Nadella, who, according to him, is “doing a great job.” Mr Gates continued, “Top of that list is Satya, who now is doing a great job as CEO. In my digital first career, the connection to India was fun and made a huge difference in what the company was able to achieve. It was during that time that I was kind of learning, oh wow, India is such a study in contrast, first class in so many ways, but still a lot of poverty and challenges.”

He also talked about how the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation turned its attention to India. “Vaccines were lacking, and it is illegal to give rotavirus and diarrhea vaccines to wealthy children. I then discovered that the Serum Institute of India produces inexpensive vaccines.” “We had to see how we, as foreigners, form partnerships and not come across in the wrong way,” Mr. Gates said. There was a steep learning curve.”

The billionaire added that they spend almost a billion dollars in India, more than any other country save the United States.


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