In a major crackdown on terrorist organisations, the centre blocks 14 mobile messenger apps.

The Centre has banned 14 mobile messaging applications as part of a major crackdown on terrorism, according to sources. These applications were allegedly used by terror groups, primarily in Jammu and Kashmir, to communicate with their supporters and Over Ground Workers (OGW) and to receive orders from Pakistan.

Crypviser, Enigma, Safeswiss, Wickrme, Mediafire, Briar, BChat, Nandbox, Conion, IMO, Element, Second Line, Zangi, and Threema are among the prohibited applications.

On the advice of security and intelligence services, the decision was made. The request to prohibit these apps was made known to the relevant ministry along with a list of apps that are illegal in India and constitute a threat to national security. According to Section 69A of the Information Technology Act of 2000, these apps have been disabled, the official continued.

According to ANI, the intelligence agencies have alerted higher-ups in official communications that these apps are disseminating anti-terrorist propaganda in the Valley.

“Agencies monitor the channels that terrorists and Overground Workers (OGWs) use to communicate with one another. The mobile application does not have representation in India, making it harder to follow activities taking place on the app, agencies discovered when tracing one of the communications, an official informed news agency ANI.


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