Government facilities must grant access to sports bodies.

Government facilities must grant access to sports bodies.

Other sports organisations have requested a similar arrangement after the UT Sports Department let the local tennis and cricket associations to operate from government-owned stadiums (on lease or by paying monthly fee).

Representatives from 21 local associations urged that they be given an office to conduct their daily official duties during a meeting of the standing committee of the Administrator’s Advisory Council of Sports held here today.

Sanjay Tandon served as the meeting’s chairman, and Sorabh Kumar Arora, the director of sports, Dr. Sunil Rayat, the joint director of sports, and Col. Irshad Khan were also present. The representatives asked the hiring of more coaches for the department, the newest sports gear, and expanded and improved sporting facilities.

According to Arora, the department had already started the process of engaging/hiring new coaches. He also informed them that all equipment orders for various sports had been filled, and more had already been ordered. He stated that the 400-meter, 8-lane synthetic athletic track at the Sports Complex, Sector 42, as well as the billiards, snooker, and pool hall were almost finished. Tandon approved of the ideas.


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